月別アーカイブ: Oct 28th, 2020

Notebook on Fashion and Society Part 1: The Birth of New Cultures from Crises

28 Oct, 2020

What sort of transformations has fashion gone through in today’s ever-changing society? Further, what are the possibilities that await us? This essay illustrates the possibilities of fashion and responds to these questions. Yusuke Koishi explores the present and future of society through the lens of …

Yusuke Koishi explores the present and future of society through the lens of fashion in this series on TOKION MAGAZINE. In the first instalment, he discusses the emergence of counter-fashion in the Trump era.


28 Oct, 2020

The Book Street, built in the image of a book town, is located on the fourth floor of the KADOKAWA Musashino Museum, where the Seigo Matsuoka supervised and selected about 25,000 books. KLEINSTEIN CO., LTD. is in charge of the special selection of the “FASHION” category.